Singing Competition !

Esok ada Singing Competition laaa ! Hari ni murid murid dah prektis nyanyi dan pakai props ape bagai dah. Harap menjelang esok, diorang ni dapat nyanyi dengan baik atas pentas  ! Jangan ada yang bisu kat atas pentas sudahla yer..huhu...chow sin chi !

ni dia cik little indian yang sesat..

ala ala innocent nyer muke you nihhh =)

apekah time rehat pun nak pakai props ni sayang ?

P/s : Grr...esok hari khamis lor...tak best...hari khamis ada Kokurikulum...dah la pose nih..huhu


  1. I am thinking about entering a singing competition that my school is holding. My voice is strong, loud, and can reach very low notes without loosing volume. High notes are tough sometimes, but I can normally smooth them out with practice. I am not looking for any specific songs, just music with good lyrics that can really flaunt my vocal talent. Thanks!


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