Siapa Suka Calit Taik Hidung Dekat Dinding? Aku Suka Sangat!

 Aaaahh....besar punya....

Ok. The title is extremely gross! But like it or not, I have to tell you that some people in our community still keep this disgusting habit as their daily routine. Yes, it is true. I just saw it just now at the public toilet , and it makes me like eeeuw. !

Who did this disgusting job, dude? Dont ever pick your nose, and put your nose wax on the wall! Only people without brain, will ever do things like that. My suggestion, if you really cant stop yourself from doing it, just do it at your own walls room. Please, I beg you. Im on my knees now ;(

Do you know that the sticky wax you put on the wall is hard to be removed? Do you know that? Do you understand? I dont know why I am so kind to fire the shits with the water hose, and what makes me more angry is the shits did not wants to come out. It will be sticking hards. This case really happen you know, I was like never stop cursing.

You got my point?Just stop it la,guys. Just throw your shits inside the sinks...or you can just wash your hands after you picks your nose. Not a big trouble isn't it?


  1. hahaha.yea, pretty gross.eww.
    should stick them under the table instead. hehe.

  2. cik neo.... apakah?

    erm... nak lukis muke mcmana?

    kat ne gmbr?

    sy g maktab cheras amik gmbr?

  3. naseb aku xmakan pape time bace entri nih..ewww...kalo aku jmpe org cmnih..aku bagi tumbukan padu kamehameha kat idung die..hee

  4. alaa benda tu habuk jer tambah beberapa cecair dari hidung

  5. aku suke korek idung..tapi ak x calit kat dinding..

  6. ada gk mnusia wt pngai cmni lg kn..hobi kot..hehe

  7. rara, hahaha geli do..hobi yang sgt tak senonoh tauu

    royal joe budu, aku pon suke korek idung gak laa hahah tapi kalau sampai calit mencalit ni..mmg no manners woo..

    touyakaruma, hahaha habis tu kalau bende tu habuk dan cecair, senonoh ke kalau calit mencalit ni..? adoiii

  8. suraya, geli kan? kan? waaaa

    dashing days, hahaha kalau kita tanya pon sape yang wat, sape la nak ngaku? cane nak kasik hadiah tumbuk kameha ko tu beb hahaha

    meo, wooo nanti ku pikirkan dulu camener ek meo..aku takde kat maktab ler..tgh praktikal..hehehe takpun aku scan je gamba send email kat ko..hihi...

  9. fikri, lol. dont do such things like that plssss. sila pergi toilet!!

  10. hahaha.. btol2... tajuk mmg agak jijik.. nsb baik post manis sikit

  11. sepatutnya kumpul dalam balang... ngam ngam sekilo dua, try jual pi pajak gadai .. manatau bleh dapat hasil lumayan...
    satu utk hari ini..satu tuk masa depan.. hahaha

  12. huhu..cane aku nak calit..cairan pon xlekat kat tgn,,haha.. ini maknanya lubang idung ak bersih... yessss..!!!

  13. aku pun suka. mana2 je. dinging ke bawah meja ke.. dan mana2 je tempat berhampiran ngn tgn aku pd waktu itu. agaga..

    *sgt2 melampau. dushh!!

  14. aye...sgt2 geli..hehe..buang laa mane2..jngn sental kat wall..

  15. yes.,
    it's not a big trouble to manage the nose wax properly.,.

    bt,,myb the problem is,,what so called,,tebiat,.,habit,.,.

  16. geli aku...
    ada ker orang buat cam nih?
    mesti ada kan

  17. eazy izzudin, waaa ;(

    kirimaru, memang sedap..aku ngaku tuhh haha

    hans, ade je..cume tersembunyik wehh

    cikti, benda senang pun susah nak wat adoii mesti orang ceni pemalas doo

  18. anoz, hahaha tajuk kene gempak sket..hahaha

    BuDakHutaN, geli la ko ni!! ko buat tengok bape duit ko dapat? hahaha

    royal joe budu, perghh pembersih gila joe ni..wehh korang joe takde bulu hidung weh..dia pondan..hahaha bukan laki sejati la kalau takde taik idung beb..haha

    seimura, ayooo ko ni...lagi ganas dari entri aku hahaha

    sophie, jgn buang kat kawasan rumah aku dah la..huaaa...

  19. penah buat larikkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  20. hahahaha u still lucky ..kamu xjumpa lagi dengan lelaki yang calit bukan setakat di meja kelasnya, tapi di kerusinya, itu dia punya xpelah, ini meja n kerusi orang lain pun dia calit kalau dia duduk situ..xcukup dengan hidung, telinga pun dia korek dan calit...hahahahahahahaha


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