Rapid Bus Goes Swine on The Road.

I’m so not cool now. My class has ended around 11.00 a.m and as usual I ran to catch rapid bus. Waited about 30 minutes at the bus stand and the bus still have not showed up. Felt boring, so I went and bought a drink from the petrol station first and then came back quickly but no bus at all. After waited another 10 minutes, suddenly a bus came by very fast. I tried to wave giving signal for the bus to stop, but it was my bad luck, the bus did not stop. I am 100% confident that the bus driver did see me waving just now but he just ignored! Thank you. I cant remember how many times I cursed like this "swine, swine, swine la that bus !".

My face was like rubbish at that moment, patiently waited for another bus to arrive. Yeah, another bus came and the bus merely missed me again. This time the bus has stopped, but a bit far away from the bus stand. Sighed, I am not expecting them to treat me like a princess or what, but at least please slow down the speed when you see a bus stand la. You drive with that kind of speed, then how come u able to stop the bus if someone waved? Or did I look alike with the pillar which makes me look unnoticeable? Again, “swine la you…”.


  1. sabar cik neon... dulu aku pun pernah tunggu kat situ berjam2 lamanya..

  2. swine flu btul bus tu ek..asal swine doo..guna ar..pig pig pig ke..pork pork pork..opps sory syg kena samak la comment ni nanti hahaha..lain kali campak selipar kat bus..manatau dorg stop

  3. lain kali cam no plat pastu bakar bas tuh.heh

  4. dulu rajin juga pergi kerja naik RapidKL.tapi kalau 2 jam utk sampai office & 3 jam utk balik dari office, tak guna juga.

    sebab tu lah public transport ini tak di pakai sangat, especially buses.

  5. aku pon penah terkena. huh!menyumpah aje hari tu

  6. naek bas ni kene byk b'sabar
    naseb la klau driver tu nmpk
    klau tak jalan

  7. sbar jelaa cik neo..pemandu bas kdg2 memg pelik2 pon..hehehe

  8. mrs. invisible...that's y the driver couldn't see u..heh

  9. hohoo
    mmg cilakak r kalo driver bus cm2
    cm tak ikhlas keje jek
    bek dok umah jaga anak2
    ye x??

    thanx coz jenguk blog aku
    dtg la selalu

  10. pig = babi

    swine = khinzir

    huhuhuhu :p

  11. pakcik bas memang mcm ni..

    kal0 makcik yg bwk masti xmcm ni...heee

  12. kesian.. hehe lenkali baling ngn batu.. cmtu baru dia sedar kot ada org tahan bas :p tp make sure batu tu kena dahi dia.. 100% sedar :p

  13. Ada bas memang macam tu... macam harem jewr..... baik bas mini dulu2, bawak laju pon tak pernah miss penumpang.

  14. dy ingt ko nie mmg lampu neon kat bustop tu kowt. huhu..

    pkai public transport mslh, pkai own transport pun mslh.. xabis dgn mslh..
    naik bas, lambat+sesak..
    naik teksi, tak pkai meter..
    naik tren, sesak gile..
    naik keta sdri, traffik jem..

    itulah malaysia..
    bangga menjadi rakyat malaysia..


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