4 days more to my 21st "Busted Day"

A short post for today.Peace!!

Assalamualaikum..i am feeling a bit tired and fed up of working as a cashier. I'm counting up till 30 November to resign. =) Feel shock bout this news? A job for a cashier is so damned tiring. I just cant get my self easy for this job. Especially when it comes to those damned fussy customers. My hand feels shivers and my blood boils up whenever there were particular customers make me mad at the counter . If i could just hand them, i would do that.Huargh!

Anyways, I was just relieving my sad story at someone which I could call a very very good friend. I was down in the dumps with this problem that i kept a long time ago. Once I shout it out, it feels like * lega as after berak *. I dont know what I should do without any good advices from her. Its all in my mind right now, thinking of making one step closer to become a better person. But i guess it is very hard to make a decisions. You have to sacrifice a lot if you want to gain the sweetness in life. I have to believe now that whatever i can do or dream, i have to begin it. Enough said.

Well, I am planning to go to Pertama today. Got to renew my license. Since it been death for 6 month already, my mom kinda give me a great wave of warning every time i held the car keys. Cess! So, it will be a loner walk for today. I don't want to be disturb by anybody so I'm going out alone. Maybe I will go to Time Square for a drop. Checking up hows my Olivia is working up. She's been there for more than two weeks. "The guy" said that Olivia will be ready for 5 days, buts hecks! Its almost 3 weeks now!Looks like im gonna bite someone head off!


  1. neo~ berenti je la. huhu. ley lepak umah

  2. ececeh..olivia nama laptop ko eh...boleh jadik adik beradik laptop kita..vaiola + olivia..haaaa sesuai sgt la tuuuu.. haha..kerja la as telemarketer ke apa..yang jawab2 phone tu..atleast takyah menghadap muka orang kuikuikui

  3. em,kejap je keje eh? g cri keja kat tempat lain lagi. byk. try shopping complx. byk bahagian boleh try. keje2 dan make frenz. :)

  4. eh kejap je keje..tak pe la, lepak umah je la...lagi syiokkk..

  5. part time job ye cuti2 nih bakal cikgu??
    pndai carik duit...

  6. syian ko neo.. mesti da kurus kerempeng skrg sbb letih bukak tutup cashier machine tu kan.lengan ko pun mesti da berketak kan. huhuhu

    ;p ;p

  7. I've tried Petrol Pump Attendance, Seven Eleven & Tuition Centre. I was considering a cashier position, I thought it was easy. Somehow you've enlightened me.


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